Eduplay Software and Development (Pty) Ltd. Apps

A+ Graad 3 / Grade 3 1.2
A+ Graad 3 / Grade 3 is a bilingual (Afrikaans and English) app,which contains hundreds of exciting exercises in 5 key skillsdevelopment sections. These proven skills are essential to equipyour child with the fundamental knowledge that is necessary for theprimary educational phase. The skills developed include addition,subtraction, multiplication (times tables), mental division,reading, spelling, logical reasoning, memory recall, concentrationand basic technology skills.All the activities are presented in fun and engaging game play.The games are made to be understood by kids and is designed to beplayed without adult assistance. The result is that you not onlydevelop the child’s intellect and fundamental skills, but also asense of self-confidence.The graphical interface is designed around a Circus Adventuretheme. Each object on the stage represents a different skill oractivity.
A+ Graad 1 / Grade 1 1.2.3
A+ Graad 1 / Grade 1 is a bilingual (Afrikaansand English) skills development app for kids aged 6-7.NB: App is not FREE. App can be purchased per activity @ R15.00or the complete app (all 6 activities for R79.00). We can ONLYclassify this app as FREE because Google does not allow Merchantsfrom South Africa to use their payment system. Lots of userscomplain that we have false advertising and rate the app only 1star as a result thereof. This is not within our control.The app contains hundreds of exciting exercises in 6 key skillsdevelopment sections. These proven skills are essential to equipyour child with the fundamental knowledge that is necessary for theprimary educational phase. The skills developed include addition,subtraction, reading, spelling, logical reasoning, memory recall,concentration, creativity and basic computer skills.All the activities are presented in fun and engaging game play.The games are made to be understood by kids and is designed to beplayed without adult assistance. The result is that you not onlydevelop the child’s intellect and fundamental skills, but also asense of self-confidence.
A+ Graad 2 / Grade 2 1.2
A+ Graad 2 / Grade 2 is a bilingual (Afrikaans and English) app,which contains hundreds of exciting exercises in 5 key skillsdevelopment sections. These proven skills are essential to equipyour child with the fundamental knowledge that is necessary for theprimary educational phase. The skills developed include addition,subtraction, multiplication (times tables), mental division,reading, spelling, logical reasoning, memory recall, concentrationand basic technology skills.All the activities are presented in fun and engaging game play.The games are made to be understood by kids and is designed to beplayed without adult assistance. The result is that you not onlydevelop the child’s intellect and fundamental skills, but also asense of self-confidence.The graphical interface is designed around a Circus Adventuretheme. Each object on the stage represents a different skill oractivity.
Wiskunde Kort Kursusse
Wiskunde Kortkursusse ontwikkel vir die SuidAfrikaanse leerder in Graad 10 tot 12.Konsepte en persepsies van Wiskune word maklik verstaanbaargemaak deur 'n persoonlike onderwyser wat stap vir stap allesverduidelik. Die leerling kan die lesse besigtig, teruggaan in dieverduideliking en soveel keer daaroor gaan as wat nodig is om diekonsep of les te verstaan wat dan die leerder instaat stel om teluister, in te neem en te studeer op hul eie tempo.NEEM KENNIS: HIERDIE APP IS SLEGS BEDOEL AS 'N OPDATERING INDIENU REEDS DIE WISKUNDE KORTKURSUSSE APP OP U TOESTEL GEINSTALLEERHET. INDIEN U DIE APP VIR DIE 1STE KEER OP 'N TOESTEL WIL LAAI,KONTAK [email protected] UIT TE VIND HOE U 'N KOEPON KAN AANSKAF OM 5 KORT KURSUSSE TEAKTIVEER.
Via Afrika Play & Learn 1.2.5
Via Afrika Play & Learn for ages 4 - 8from Via Afrika is a bilingual (Afrikaans and English) educationalapp for kids, which contains hundreds of exciting exercises in 6key skills development sections. These proven skills are essentialto prepare your child for the foundation phase in school. Theskills developed include counting, number recognition, vocabulary,logical reasoning, memory recall, shape and colour recognition,object grouping and basic technology/computer skills.NB: App is not FREE. App can be purchased per activity @ R15.00or the complete app (all 6 activities for R79.00). We can ONLYclassify this app as FREE because Google does not allow Merchantsfrom South Africa to use their payment system. Lots of userscomplain that we have false advertising and rate the app only 1star as a result thereof. This is not within our control.The graphical user interface is designed around a fantasy islandadventure theme where there is a small gnome village. Each house inthe village represents a different skill or activity. All theactivities are presented in fun and engaging game play. The gamesare made to be understood by kids and is designed to be playedwithout adult assistance. All games can be played in Afrikaans orEnglish.The gnome houses represent the following skills:HOUSE OF MATH – COUNTING SKILLSIn this game the focus is on basic counting skills and to test thechild's ability to follow and execute a given instruction or task.The task to complete is to place a certain number of items on aplate. The task gets more difficult from level 2 where more thanone item is given in the instruction.HOUSE OF MATH – NUMBER ASSOCIATION / RECOGNITIONThe aim of this game is to assess the ability to correctly assign anumber value to a certain number of items. A question is askedabout the number of items on the plate where after the learner musttouch the correct number value.HOUSE OF PERCEPTIONIn this fun game, the goal is to find and eliminate all pictureobjects where there are 3 of the same pictures on the grid. Toeliminate the pictures, one must touch each of the picture blocksthat look the same. The level of difficulty is determined by thenumber of picture blocks in the grid as well as the time availableto find all pictures.LANGUAGE – VOCABULARY & INSTRUCTIONSIn this game, the learner is introduced to new words in order tobroaden his/her vocabulary while being given an instruction tofollow. The instruction is to move a certain word object to adesignated block.CREATIVITY - SHAPES, LETTERS & NUMBERSIn this creativity activity, the learner must colour in letters,numbers and shapes. Afterwards, the items must be dragged to ashadow box with holes that match up with the shape or letter. Thechild learns about different colours, different shapes as well asletters and numbers.MEMORY & CONCENTRATION SKILLSThe goal of this game is to improve the learner's ability toobserve and memorise patterns while improving concentration. Theexercise consists of stacked blocks where only a few have coloureddots on. The blocks are displayed for a short period and then takenaway. The learner must then touch the blocks with the coloureddots. Three levels of difficulty control the number of blocks androws as well as the time limit.THINKING & CONCENTRATION SKILLSThe learner is given a voice instruction to move a green ball to apicture starting with a certain alphabet sound. The skill is tofirst identify the correct picture and then to work out the paththrough the maze. Three Levels of difficulty control the timelimit. Hundreds of pictures with multiple levels of randomizedvariables ensure thousands of variations.PROGRESS REPORTWith a build-in Progress graph, result analysis and exercise-log,parents and teachers can monitor the child's improvement over time.Results saved on data file for up to 1,000 learners.The app is also available for Windows users under the Big Boetbrand name.
Math Mechanic 1.0.0
Math Mechanic is an App by The MathMechanic( that enables the student to view recordedlessons in a HD video format that is substantially smaller in filesize than a conventional video which allows for quicker downloadsas well as other benefits such as multi-level indexed videos (onevideo file that contains an index page with multiple videorecordings included in the one file)
Mathematics Short Courses
Mathematics Short Courses Developed fortheSouth African learner in Grade 10 to 12.Concepts and perceptions of Mathematics are made easier byapersonal tutor who explains in a step by step manner. Learnerscanview the lessons, rewind at any stage and go over them as oftenasthey need enabling them to look, listen and study at theirownpace.The total content of this app and it's audio visualexplanationscontains a massive 60-hours of recorded solutionsandexplanations.PLEASE NOTE: THIS APP IS ONLY INTENDED TO BE AN UPDATE IFYOUALREADY HAVE THE MATH SHORT COURSES APP PRE-INSTALLED ONYOURDEVICE. IF YOU WANT TO INSTALL THIS APP FOR THE FIRST TIME,PLEASECONTACT [email protected] TO FIND OUT HOW TO GET A VOUCHERTOUNLOCK YOUR FIRST 5 SHORT COURSESEach of the 30 short courses in this app consists ofthefollowing:* a theory part with audio-visual video explanations linked tokeyexamples and concepts* Self-assessment test with audio-visual memorandumsCourse 1: Quadratic EquationsCourse 2: Algebraic FractionsCourse 3: Analytical (CoordinateCourse 4: Parabola - the quadratic functionCourse 5: The straight line graphCourse 6: Cubic graphs and -equationsCourse 7: Limits, First Principles and the RulesofDifferentiationCourse 8: Applications of CalculusCourse 9: FactorizingCourse 10: Financial MathematicsCourse 11: LogarithmsCourse 12: Products and The Distributive LawCourse 13: Trigonometry with and without a calculator,andIdentitiesCourse 14: Trigonometric Graphs and EquationsCourse 15: Number patterns and Series & SequencesCourse 16: Euclidian Geometry: PolygonsCourse 17: Euclidian Geometry: CirclesCourse 18: Euclidian Geometry: ProportionalityCourse 19: SimilarityCourse 20: Statistics and DataCourse 21: ExponentsCourse 22: Functions, Relations and InversesCourse 23: The HyperbolaCourse 24: Linear EquationsCourse 25: TransformationsCourse 26: The Remainder and Factor TheoremCourse 27: ProbabilityCourse 28: Exponential graphsCourse 29: Circles on the Cartesian PlaneCourse 30: The Rules of Trigonometry
Scriblr Education 1.3.4
Scriblr Education enables the playback of SUP files uploaded byyour teacher